Transcrevo aqui o meu primeiro artigo para o LinkedIn que escrevi em 02/05/2017 pois este golpe continua sendo aplicado com outros nomes de empresa. Se liga!
Decidi escrever este artipara informar sobre um novo golpe que está sendo praticado pela suposta Bristol Marine Construction & Engineering Company. Na verdade, pelo o que eu pesquisei na internet pegaram um golpe antigo e repaginaram. Bom, vamos lá desde o começo.
Estou já há um tempo estou investindo bastante tempo e esforço no LinkedIn para melhorar minha rede de contatos e sondar o mercado. A tônica dos último meses sempre foi várias candidaturas e silêncio do outro lado. Com o mercado brasileiro em crise não é muito difícil entender o porquê. Então, sempre que aparece um e-mail com resposta de um recrutador, o nível de ansiedade e emoção vai lá em cima. E eu recebi um e-mail desses hoje!
Um e-mail totalmente em inglês dizendo que o meu currículo havia sido avaliado e que estava em acordo com as necessidades da empresa. Mais do que isso, minha entrevista já estava marcada para 16/06. Que emoção! Que felicidade! O coração disparado quando vejo que a entrevista será em Londres… Poxa, será que devo ter me candidatado para uma vaga internacional e nem me toquei, será?
Bom longa história encurtada o e-mail continuava muito bem escrito (transcrevo em sua totalidade abaixo) e com 3 anexo que eu teria que contatar uma agência de viagens parceira deles e essa agência seria responsável por todos os trâmites da viagem. Maravilha! Mas eu deveria pagar por isso que, obviamente, seria reembolsado por eles. É nesse momento que os golpistas te pegam. Eu estava feliz, empolgado, o que passava na minha cabeça era que eles eram muito doidos de me chamar sem nem me entrevistar por Skype, mas beleza, vamos para cima! Acontece que quando a esmola é demais o santo desconfia! E ainda bem que o meu desconfiou…
Comecei a procurar pela empresa na internet no celular ainda: Bristol Marine Construction & Engineering Company e pouquíssimas informações foram encontradas. Além disto vi que me candidatei para essa vaga ontem (não se candidatem! ou se candidatem apenas para confirma minha história, sabendo que é golpe!!):
Ao clicar na empresa e procurar por vagas dela… Tchanã!!! Doze resultados para a mesma vaga em diferentes partes do mundo!
Nos dois próximos links, vocês poderão ver que o golpe já foi feito utilizando-se o nome da Total e da Shell, essas sim empresas de verdades, mas os golpistas tinham que mandar e-mail pelo Gmail, logo os candidatos perceberam. Agora eles criaram uma empresa fake!!! Ainda bem que não caí, e espero que ninguém caia, portanto compartilhem para seus contatos.
Link em inglês:
Link em português:
Transcrição do e-mail que recebi hoje 02/05/2017:
Dear Applicant,
I write to inform you that your resume has been properly reviewed and screened by our recruiting board and you have been found eligible for this vacant position. Be informed that you have been shortlisted for an interview scheduled for Friday, 16th of June, 2017 at the conference center of Bristol Marine Construction & Engineering Company Limited, 1-3 Brixton Road, London, SW9 6DE, United Kingdom.
More so, subsequent to your job application approval, your application status has been updated on our job recruitment database as “ACCEPTED”and your Application Identification Number (AIN) is BZG7190425, this can also be found on most documents associated with your employment.
However, like every other civil engineering company, the following are the roles expectation from you as a Project Manager. As a Project Manager, you will be primarily responsible for the overall successful of delivering a project, reaching set targets both safely and correctly. You also must possess a combination of skills including the ability to ask penetrating questions, detect unstated assumptions and resolve conflicts, as well as more general management skills and you must be able to perform effectively within tight time-scales, keep within strict budgets and create a positive client environment such that clients become/remain in a good relationship throughout the contract.
Furthermore, you will be expected to support the development of the leadership, both on-site and back in the offices. You will also need to organize the best team possible to complete the project, whilst training and teaching the employees towards the companies core values. Encouragement of excellence and quality in work will lead to a great reputation among clients. Below is a list of important roles/responsibilities expected of a Project Manager by Bristol Marine Construction & Engineering Company.
* As a Project Manager, you are responsible for planning the delivery of the project at hand.
* Manage the day-to-day working, utilization, implementation and technical consultants engaged on client assignments from ensuring the correct material turns up before a job, to explaining the work ethics and activities to colleagues.
* Report progress on projects by suitable media to sector management, maintain and update project reporting, checkpoints and financial reporting to a high standard.
* Plan and arrange visits to existing and new potential clients, ensuring every client receives sufficient support to enhance their relationships.
* Develop contacts with senior staff, directors, and other influential staff within each account during the implementation phase.
* Co-ordinate required support levels and training.
* Produce reports on each project at agreed intervals, and whenever substantive actions are required.
Finally, our primary reason for requesting for your physical presence is to have our chief project manager have a one on one interview with you and ensure you posses the aforementioned qualities and also have you familiarize yourself with the company structure as well as a recap on past and upcoming project after which a date for your training in 2017 will be made known to you, giving you sufficient time to notify your current company of these changes in your employment should you currently be employed.
NOTE: You will be responsible for all your travel expenses made through our affiliated travel agency. These expenses shall then be refunded to you by BRISTOL MARINE CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING COMPANY on arrival.
Kindly download and view the attached documents for your perusal.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Yours truly,
Maria Fowler,
(Human Resource Manager)
Bristol Marine Construction & Engineering Company.
1-3 Brixton Road, London
SW9 6DE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 704 207 1390
Tel: +44 203 086 8835
Fax: +44 203 086 8835
UPDATE: Logo após escrever esse artigo fiz uma denúncia da pagina do LinkedIn desta “empresa” e, por isso ou coincidentemente, a página e todas as vagas que coloquei no link acima sairam do ar. Mas com certeza muita gente se inscreveu, então vale a pena alertá-los todos!
Cristiano, recebi hoje um contrato de emprego em Londres, para assinar e devolver da empresa Laffoy Construction, caso igualzinho ao seu. A vaga era em Natal, mas eu ficaria em Londres no alojamento da empresa.Achei estranho tbm e pesquisei até chegar aqui. Vou denunciar as vagas. Não achei nada consistente os métodos e o site da empresa. Se souber de algo me avise
Eles vao refinando o golpe cada dia mais, mas a essencia e a mesma….
Estou tendo esse mesmo problema, quase caí, pois a empresa realmente existe. Porém o conteúdo do email e bastante similar ao que você recebeu. Valeu pela dica.
Segue email recebido:
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your recent application for the “Civil Engineer” position at Exine Construction Company. We wish to inform you that your application has been evaluated and you have been shortlisted for an interview and the management of Exine Construction Company wishes to invite you our upcoming interview, which is scheduled to take place on Friday, January 24 2020 at our headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America. Further details rearing your interview are contained in the attached 3 documents attached to this email.
Kindly take note that a reference number, also referred to as your AIN (Application Identification Number) EZ771CV039, has been generated for your application by our security system and instread of using your names most times, this reference number will be used most of the time in identifying your profile and in email communications and can also be found in documents associated with your interview for your privacy and to avoid your data from getting to the wrong hands.
Furthermore, our primary reason for requesting for your physical presence is to have our chief project manager have a one on one interview with you and ensure you possess the aforementioned qualities and also have you familiarized yourself with the company structure as well as a recap on past and upcoming project. You will also be notified of an exact date your appointment letter and work contract will be sent to you, giving you sufficient time to notify your current company of these changes in your employment should you currently be employed.
NOTE: This message might deliver to your SPAM folder due to technical reasons being that it is our first communication and my email to you contains attached files. Kindly unmark this email as SPAM by moving this mail to your INBOX folder to enable your email provider recognize your approval to communicate with me and deliver any further email from me to your INBOX and I have also done the same by adding your email addresses to my mailing list to ensure your emails to me comes to my INBOX folder and doesn’t go unnoticed.
For more information, kindly download and read carefully the documents attached to this email and ensure to take note of the difference between our time zones when trying to reach me by phone if needed.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Yours truly,
Rebecca Walton,
(Human Resource Manager)
Exine Construction Company.
615 South College Street,
Charlotte, NC 28202,
United States of America.
Tel: +1.877.279.1164
Fax: +1.877.279.1164
Tamo junto Lucas!
Acabei de receber um desses também.
Dear Applicant,
I write to inform you that your resume has been properly reviewed and screened by our recruiting board and you have been found eligible for this vacant position. Be informed that you have been shortlisted for an interview scheduled for Friday, 5th of July 2019 at DARWIN MARINE ENGINEERING, 22 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4BQ, United Kingdom.
More so, subsequent to your job application approval, your application status has been updated on our job recruitment database as “ACCEPTED “and your Application Identification Number (AIN) is DW803CE115, this can also be found on most documents associated with your employment.
Furthermore, our primary reason for requesting for your physical presence is to have our Human Resources Manager have a one on one interview with you and ensure you posses the required qualities of a Chemical Engineer as stated in the job description and also have you familiarize yourself with the company structure as well as a recap on past and upcoming project after which a date for your training in 2019 will be made known to you, giving you sufficient time to notify your current company of these changes in your employment should you currently be employed.
NOTE: This message might deliver to you SPAM folder due to technical reasons being that it is our first communication and my email to you contains attached files. Kindly unmark this email as SPAM by moving this mail to your INBOX folder to enable your email provider recognize your approval to communicate with me and deliver any further email from me to your INBOX and I have also done the same by adding your email addresses to my mailing list to ensure your emails to me comes to my INBOX folder and doesn’t go unnoticed.
For more information, kindly download and read carefully the documents attached to this email.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Yours truly,
Pamela Cooper,
(Human Resource Manager)
Darwin Marine Engineering.
22 Bishopsgate, London,
EC2V 5DE, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (0) 203 005 5218
Fax: +44 (0) 203 005 5218
Cilada Bino!
Olá Cristiano.
Recebi esse scan hoje.
O sentimento vai de alegria e euforia à tristeza e indignação.
Apesar de pesquisar muito sobre a empresa que entrou em contato e que até onde eu vi se trata de uma empresa real. Através de uma simples busca de um dos trechos do e-mail no google, cheguei até esse seu artigo.
Obrigado pelos esclarecimentos.
Todavia, vou dar corda pros golpistas e ver até onde isso pode chegar.
Exatamente assim que me senti Carlos. Que bom que o artigo foi util!